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Lovely Owner
Lydia aka SoTOng
18 September 1989
Singapore Polytechnic
Diploma in
Integrated Events & Project Management
a blend of Mel-San
emotic perfectionist
singing is passion
hopes to open a shop of her own and a strawberry farm somewhere
Love Notes

Lovely Ones

adam, adelene, chee shen, daphne, eugene, faezah, fahdli, felicia, harmony, hui rong, hui ting, hui yu, impian, jeannie, joey, kathleen, kok kian, leon, neilson, nisa, pearlyn, peng shan, rasyid, saleha, sok harn, wen xin, xavier, xue ling, ya wen

Lovely Memories
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010

Credits To
This blogskin is made not only by me but it is made with some help/resources.

Basecodes | Images & Background
Copyright S.R★ Productions.
© SpoiltRADI.O★

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

this may be the last time i blog till 5 oct 2008.

i may not have the time to blog luh~ tmr onwards there will be a motorshow which ill be involve in. -.- entrance(ticket collector). shit! means ill be standing the WHOLE DAY! grrrrrrrrrrrr. guess ill be BORED TO DEATH~

most of the days will end at 10pm thats why i say i may not have the time to blog. reach home already 11 plus le. *shake head*

these few days sure no life luh! argh!!!!!!!!!! a bit regret. no. i should say i regret. really regret~ T.T

okie la. end here le. go to sleep le. must wake at at 5.45 tmr. damn! good night guys. will blog when i have the time. =)

she is here @ 12:02 AM

Monday, September 22, 2008

many things happened since 15 sept.
1. result
2. birthday
3. home
4. workplace
5. my hair
6. how i spend my time rotting
7. funny and sad things ive seen.
so many many more

but i just dont feel like blogging them. hmmm. too lazy to post and write so many things. hmmm. and partialy because i have no mood to do so~

even writing this post. i have to think for a long time of what to write. like what i say, i want something to be posted, but just, dont feel like writing. LOL. contradicting myslef and you right?

aiya. these few days ill be like that i guess. let me be.~~~

she is here @ 7:45 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2008

done something to my hair. which i have a tiny bit of regret.
look so damn funny now~ T.T

she is here @ 11:58 PM

Friday, September 19, 2008

look at the picture in this link.
dont look at any words. just look at the photo. and what you think it look like?


i first thought it was a pencil holder or something. or a handicraft made from drink cans. like those type of cars and sculptures made from cans. ~.~

BUT! its actually the F1 trophy. man~

okie. thats about it. =) sorry huh. today's post a bit random. =X

she is here @ 11:24 PM

Monday, September 15, 2008

okie~ today, im blogging about my 1st birthday present. =D

its from the -9west babes- !

hahahaha. its sooooooo SWEET la!
just look at the paper bag 1st. LOL

then now, picture of the wallet and box. LOL!




it seriously IS SWEET and LOVELY la!
i think my manger brought it on her trip to thailand. cause she had a similar and bigger version of this. oh man~~

thank you girls! i LOVE IT!

she is here @ 10:47 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008

a day off~~ finally la. my legs are breaking.

not much things happen these few days. only that today went for the briefing for motor show from 4.30 - 6. other then that im working and working and working.

actually have nothing to blog la. just so many days never blog le. so write a few words. =)

she is here @ 11:14 PM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

'if you didnt volunteer for any of the positions online, you are not suppose to be here.'
this is the sentence i got from someone last sunday. and does it means that things i have done for the three days are nonsense and wasted?

'so you mean you are going to drop out.'
another sentence i got from the same person. before you even say this to me. get your facts right. who is the one who didnt send the confirmation before the date you said you will? you mean, you want me to wait for your email even if you dont want to confirm me? you think i have so much time for you to waste?

anw, from the 2 volunteer program ive gone to. i learn something that an event manger must know.
1) appreciate what others do.
2) be clear of what you yourself are doing
3) man-power allocation
4) respect people
5) be on time
6) be grateful to all. even if they are there only to help you with the slightest thing in your event.

there should be more things i guess. but these are the few which i think is very important.

appreciate your volunteers. please. they are there to help you and to lower the cost of you event as you paid them real little. they didnt grumble because of the money, but because of your attitude towards them, then you are a real failure.

she is here @ 11:05 PM


hahaha. OLD liao~~~ OLD OLD OLD!

have a great day ahead and best wishes huh! =)

she is here @ 12:00 AM

Monday, September 8, 2008

im more than drenched. it was drizzling for like 5 secs and then *PRAAAAAAAAAA*. the rain came down. i was at the traffic like where there's a shelter. i was thinking whether to cross the road.

waited for 2 green man then decided to run across the road. half way through the running, i decided to walk la. its no diff de loh. by the time i reach home, im more than drenched la.

1st time in my life im sooooooooooo SWAY!

--- 4 more days to my off day. ---

she is here @ 10:49 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2008

another day of cutting soap.
lots and lots of soap.

then had lunch with all the volunteers and Paolo. and lunch on Paolo! weeeeeeeee! xD

Paolo is the artist of this art piece. he's a damn funny man la. keep talking about tiong baru today. LOLs. cannot tahan him.

only one photo for today.

this is all the soap wrappers we opened. and Paolo is lying on in. oh man~ he said this 'rubbish' is nice. -.- artist jiu shi artist. dont understand what they thinking.

okie la. thats about it for today le~ =)

she is here @ 9:21 PM

okie~ today (030908)

went to South Beach Camp. which is one of the Singapore Biennale thing. actually, we should report at 9. but whene reach there we only saw the security guard la. no one else. ting called kathleen (not our kat =D) and she said it starts at 10. like wth right. okie. nvm. we went to TCC to have a drink and go back about 9.50 am. she said the artist is not here yet. we waited. for a while. then she asked us to walk around 1st. so we decided to go Bugis. went Mac slack slack. then! they called us only at 11.30. -.- eh. i can sleep for a few more hours de leh. damn.

i know it looks like something else. but these are soaps. xD

soaps after unpacking~~ there is alot alot more!

we need to cut this bloody soap into half

these are the half-soaps. cartons and cartons.

haha. ms ting look so sad. cause its really tiring!

here i am! so angry with all the soaps!!!

what we did. they said is stack soap right? in the end, we went there to cut soap. we cut and cut and cut from about 11.40 to 4 plus. the artist asked us to help out with the bloody sheet on the ground, he said want the sheet to be flat la. bla bla bla. we are like stepping on those 健康步道 la. damn pain can our feet. then step on the cement which makes our feet rough and white. all link to one word. YUCKS!




after that-
i chiong to vivo to meet the kathleen. as in kathleen ng hui min. LOL. for the gala premiere for The Days 岁月。 =) alot of people there la. its grand la. we were at the red carpet there waiting la. actually we were waiting for the actors de. but~ it took soooooo long for them to come. so kat suggest we should go in 1st la. to get a good place. hahahah. its free seating. thats why.


Photobucket Photobucket
just look at the number of human.

see. so grand la! still got LION DANCE leh!

the show was nice i should say. and funny. surprisingly, i didnt cry huh. cause whenever i see my cousin i laugh la. and there is another part that is freaking funny. i laugh like mad. *kat knows what is it about xD*

2 quotes (pronounce them in hokkien pls if not you will never get it.)
1)qiu tho lao gao sua - means people are no more together if the main person's gone.
2)jiao kia mm put elastic - means 有眼不知 or-ee-or. but i dont get what the jiao kia means. is it bird? or something else? hmmm. you thinking what i thinking. LOL!!!

for more details. PLEASE WATCH IT LA. you wont regret de. do support this movie okie?! ask your friends to watch it too~~~ pass this msg around! =D

she is here @ 12:41 AM

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

work starts today!

my schedule for the holiday:
03 sept (wed) - 05 sept (fri) > biennale
06 sept (sat) - 07 sept (sun) > Fort Canning Arts Unlimited
08 sept (mon) - 16 sept (tue) > work work work~
17 sept (wed) - 19 sept (fri) > 3 OFF DAYS FOR MYSELF!!!
20 sept (sat) - 05 oct (sun) > road show
06 oct (mon) - 12 oct (sun) > conference

will be tired i guess. but should be a fun one. =D

going off for the moment. 6.30 must wake up le. T.T
hope the stacking of soap will be fun. hahahha.

she is here @ 12:14 AM

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Determination is your middle name, today, so if you encounter any obstacles on your path you will be able to treat them like minor setbacks -- and then move on, full steam ahead! Nothing is going to stop you. This is especially good news if you have a busy day planned, because even one distraction could disrupt your entire schedule. So stay alert, and at the first sign of trouble, figure out your plan of attack. And keep in mind that sometimes the best plan is to just walk away.

above is my horoscope analysis for today. LOL. i was linking it with my packed holidays. damn. hope there isnt any distraction for me luh!

my holiday is as packed as kat de la!!! oh man~ but kat, im better then you. ill have 17- 19 sept off! this year i MUST!! cause last year i waste it for my stupid ITP! argh! so ill have 3 days off!! hahaha.

will be posting my schedule to remind myself later in the morning or evening ba.
hope others will help to remind me too. and ive paste this schedule in my room!! wow. so scary! T.T

she is here @ 12:58 AM

Monday, September 1, 2008

partyworld with jeannie. as usual. this is the 1st thing we will do if we meet up. hahah. we LOVE singing! then she was testing her new camera. and i helped her test it too. LOL. im so noob la. didnt know how to use it. =X

engross leh this girl! yes la. she is jeannie! =)

slouching is bad for your back huh ppl!
dont learn from me!!

i look like just wake up la! aiyo!
sorry to spoil the picture jeannie. awww.

looking at the above picture, it reminds me of secondary school. hahaha. jeannie, remember how others mixed us up? LOL. dont understand them man. we look similar meh? after so long, what you think huh jeannie?

after that go town walk walk. and i spend tonnes of money. damn. wanted to buy something else. but in the end? duh! bought other things la. spend more than $150 i guess. no. must be. which is like half of my pay le. shit!

thinking back huh. the things i bought today doesnt 'feel' me. understand what i mean? LOL. dont understand also nvm. i wonder why i buy them. and will i wear them in future. its another problem.

just imagine me buying a pink shirt. hot pink okie. for those who know me. ya. understand now? EDIT: its purple. as in, in between of pink and purple.

anw, had fun la, so buy liao jiu buy liao. cannot change le. ;)

and home sweet home~

she is here @ 11:57 PM